Forgotten Hope Secret Weapon Wiki

Type 5 Ho-Ru
Ingame as the Type 4 Ho-Ru
Type 5 Ho-Ru
General Historical Information
Place of origin Japan
Category Self-Propelled Gun
Light Tank Destroyer
Debut in FHSW v0.5
Speed 45 km/h
Main armament 47mm Type 1
General Ingame Information
Used by Japan
Crew in‑game 1
Ammunition ↑ AP
↓ HE
Seat 2 Passenger Seat
Seat 3 Passenger Seat
Historical Picture
Type 5 Ho-Ru (japan)

Ingame incorrectly referred to as the Type 4 Ho-Ru, this should be the Type 5 Ho-Ru. The Ho-Ru was a self-propelled Gun, although it can be classified as a light tank destroyer similar to the German Hetzer (itself inspired by the Romanian Mareșal tank destroyer), but armed with a weaker 47 mm Type 1 main gun. The Type 5 Ho-Ru used the chassis of the Ha-Go Light Tank, but its suspension was enlarged to 350 mm track link width. The wheel guide pins were set in two rows to hold a road wheel between them. The sprocket of the driving wheel was the grating type to gear with the wheel guide pins like on the Soviet T-34. The development of the Type 5 Ho-Ru started in February 1945, only a single prototype was completed. In FHSW, this is until now (v0.5) the only Japanese built tank destroyer. You can find it in the map Naichi, near the west river flag.
